IELTS Mock Test COVID-19

Take Your IELTS  Mock Test at Home (With expert feedback)

Make the most of the coming weeks by using your time to prepare for your IELTS Test.

Our new system allows you to take your IELTS Mock Tests at home and follow the feedback given by our expert tutors. 

We have 5 sets of IELTS Mock Tests included in the package that you can take on your own time. 

Each Mock Test is followed by feedback from your tutor.

You can work with your tutor to improve your score until you are ready to take the test. 

Continue the process weekly and keep yourself busy so that you are prepared for the test in April, May and June of this year.*

 Mock test in NZ and AU only  $59 

IELTS Test Dates are available again from 30 April 2020

*Circumstances could change, however you will be covered by our cancelation policy.